To every man there is always a destiny attached says the Lord; each one of us is born with a purpose. God has a special design for each life before birth Jer 1:5, 29:11 to fulfil our destinies requires the 'Ruth' Approach
Whether we know it or not, whenever you pray for someone you ‘re praying for yourself, whenever you help others you are helping yourself !

            Desired Goals.

  • Saving our homes
  • Praying for our spouses and children.
  • Being spiritual
  • Breaking through in our careers and businesses.
  • Creating the consciousness that someone is always there for us.
  • Helping others in our little ways but collectively.

Focus On

·         Supporting Poor families that need to be established.
·         Comforting and Assisting Widows.
·         Helping Teenage single mums to find their feet back in life.
·         Helping children in any way we can.
·         Career encouragement and business networking.
  • Encouraging and Supporting the Lonely and afflicted.

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