Wednesday 15 May 2013

Better Half


The Third Person`.

Marriage is a covenant between two people; a man and a woman.
Cleaving to each other is a must for a successful marriage, after God created man, HE observed that it is not good for a man to be alone ...(Gen 2:
No marriage can be successful in the natural, however, when the  Holy Spirit becomes the third Person, the marriage will be resourceful and flourish as no person can occupy the position of the Holy Spirit in a marriage; it will not work out. Two people coming from two different backgrounds, different upbringing, different parents, environment, etc, require the support of the Holy Spirit to live successfully. The consciousness of the Holy Spirit in their home makes the difference.
Self centeredness and differences in mentality, mindset, likes, hobbies etc can also be hindrances to goodly and peaceful marriage, for you to take your spouse as the bone of your bone and to trust whatever he/she says requires the manifestation of the Holy Spirit between the two of you.
A home can only be peaceful and lovely when the two parties recognise the presence of the third party in their marriage and make room for him.
There will always be disappointments, hurt, annoyance etc but the presence of the third Person makes you realise and appreciate the place of forgiveness, and to let go immediately. Note the third Person will explain the incident and gives you details of why your spouse behaves in a certain way.
The third Person makes you express His virtues of peace, tolerance, love, forgiveness and long suffering by which you will enjoy a blissful home. .
All is well with our home in Jesus precious Name the more you give this third Person room the more you enjoy your home
Some cleave to their parents, for some their colleague at work is who they cleave to, who is that is standing in the place or their parents, please cleave to your spouse! God is not a confuser of destiny; He said the two of you shall become one.
Your oneness in the spirit is a mystery  from your Creator because each of you cannot stand alone you, if you do, you risk becoming irrelevant and being unable to fulfil your glorious destinies in CHRIST. The union of a couple is like the composition of salt which is made up of Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) with if taken independently can kill because of their poisonous nature but become pleasant  when combined chemically in the correct proportion and becomes salt..The Bible records that we are the salt of the world; your home is the salt of the Kingdom of God and the world in general. Another substance that man consume within  few days of existence is water-the composition of hydrogen and oxygen which makes up the water (H2O) you drink and bathe with are both gases and become useful as water together. The man and wife are two and require the help of the Holy Spirit to mix them up to generate positive effects in their home in order to be useful to themselves and others in generall.
Never live a day in your home without the support of the Holy Spirit your helper, teacher and director.
Give this special third Person room to do His works in your marriage and your home will become a surprise to you and to people around you because of the impact it will bring to your family members who had been gathering to settle misunderstandings in the past, I say never again.
Sarah Abiola Atayero

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