Wednesday 15 May 2013


“Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord”……. (psa127:3). According to this scripture, children are an heritage of the Lord and since we are created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:27), He handed down this heritage (children) to us as an ‘inherited responsibility’ in homes, schools, churches and the society. The purpose is for multiplication (Gen1:4-28) and establishment of divinity on earth.
Children are such a great task handed down to every parent by God; its not one to be toiled with because destinies are involved and God expects us to be committed to parenting. He will always be committed to keeping them.
How then can this task be achieve?. It must first begin with us (parents).we must be what we expect our children to be. If we expect them to be godly, then we must first be godly because no tree bears another fruit other than its own (matt.7:16-18)
                Further more, we must learn that there is a ‘when’, ‘how’ ‘what’ and ‘where’ about child training and parenting. We must understand that each child develop at different pace and must be allowed to grow gradually, to learn (which involves making mistakes and correcting them lovingly) and to naturally change from one level of learning, understanding and behaviour to another in every area of life. God design it so because, He’s a God of order and pattern (Ecc 3:1, 1cor 14:14) if not for His orderliness, a mother would have conceived in a day, deliver and child reach adulthood on that same day! But allowed for there gradual growth and development.
                The growing up of a child is like the climbing of a ladder that needs step by step process where each step has a specific purpose and importance to the ultimate character and destiny of the child. Be careful; follow divine timing with PATIENCE as the bridge that connects a child to his/her divine destiny.

                It’s in order to start at an early age to teach them God’s word (deut 6:6-8) tactfully, passing down divine instruction to them in the manner they will understand at their age. What you teach them is very important and be careful not to confuse them. Let them have mental pictures of the beauty of heaven and create a desire in them. Imprint in their minds relevant scriptures; help them know that every success they encounter is from God because this will help destroy pride and self-ego. Grab every opportunity at your disposal to train a child each passing day; let no day pass without prophesying scripture to them. Get involved in prayers for an effective child training and a productive lifestyle for the child.
                Most importantly, daily seek for divine guidance and instruction from scripture to feature in the child’s present and future. Ask and depend on Gods wisdom, strength to carry out this duty. Make child training consistent and continuous, stick to it till completion.
                Finally, remember God has a reward system (heb11:6b). He rewards those that diligently carry out His commands on child training (prov.22:6). Therefore put your confidence in God, receive help to fulfill the task and see His reward answering speedily. (Heb 10:35); don’t give up, hold on and see God proving himself in the life of your child. Remain blessed!

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