Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Pursuit of Purpose

Discovery and pursuit of purpose is gateway to actualization of our glorious destiny in CHRIST. Vision is essential; knowing where you are going and what to do to get there generates confidence, strength and enthusiasm

We are not accidents of nature; our GOD is a GOD of order and precision, just look at the Galaxy He created. HE has defined a destiny for each one. The Purpose of our creation is the destination, while vision is the roadmap that leads you to the destination; divine guidance is what enables you to arrive.

In the pursuit of purpose, the first thing we need to know and understand is that every child of GOD carries an enviable destiny; we are predestined for a glorious end, with the seed of greatness in each one. See Rom 8: 29-30, Jer 1: 4-5 and Gal 1: 15-16

An understanding of vision is the next crucial step. Vision is the unfolding of divine purpose, each one is created to fulfill a purpose on earth, a discovery of the purpose for your existence is vision, but it is not enough to know your purpose; you need to pursue it, every vision has to pursued in order to be fulfilled

Also understand that you need divine direction or guidance. You cannot rely on your senses alone Pro 14, so you need to travel the journey of life by faith not by sight 2Co5: 7. You need to be completely reliant on the GOD that knows the end from the beginning Isa 46: 9-10.  HE is ever willing to lead you by HIS SPIRIT and guide you in the right path to the fulfillment of destiny. See Isa 30: 21. Isa 48: 17, Psa 32: 8. HE is the Author of life, successful accomplishment of destiny depends on HIM. See Psa 127: 1, Deut 32: 9-11, Exo 23: 20, Isa 45: 2.

To access HIS leading, you need meekness; humility is a critical ingredient in the school of divine guidance Psa 25: 9. HIS principal tools for leading are by the instrumentality of HIS Word Psa 119: 106, 2Tim 3: 16 and the SPIRIT Acts 8: 29, Jn 16: 13. HE leads through a witness of the Spirit which is a constraint of the Spirit for or against any step you are about to take; this is not to be confused with mere emotion.

There are two critical requirements for a successful pursuit of purpose: Action and Timing. You must take steps; faith is not an excuse for inactivity action is proof of Faith. Jms 2: 14-18, don’t be Spiritual to the point of inertness Pro 20: 4. There is need of diligence 2Pet 1: 10. Finally note that timing is everything; an understanding of GOD’s schedule places you in the center of HIS program. It is important to note that all visions are for appointed times Hbk 2: 3, don’t go ahead of GOD Who makes things beautiful in HIS time Eccl 3: 11. You need to be sensitive to divine signals and realize that spirituality enhances your access to divine guidance and timing 1Cor 2: 11-14.

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